proof that drinking is good...
Published on May 14, 2004 By Erofee In Just Hanging Out
A lot of people say that alcohol can be hazardous to your health, so i plan to put a stop to that crazy rumor once and for all.

One of Darwins theories about evolution is survival of the fittest, take my first example, the buffalows:

Buffalows travel in packs, they are often hunted by lions for food. When i Lions attacks, the buffalows run, but the lions always manage to get at least one of them, usually the slowest or dumbest one in the heard. The fittest and smarted buffalow survive.

Now, take alcohol. When alcohol is consumed in larger amounts, it kills brain cells, it attacks the brain.

Now lets combine the buffalow example with the nex fact we have just learned, we make the heard of buffalows a brain, and the lions alcohol.

The alcohol attacks the brain and kills off all of the slow and stupid brain cells, leaving the faster smarter ones there to think.

What do you get, a great way to make yourself smarter....just drink alcohol.

on May 14, 2004